Tutorial How to Get a Free Domain from eu.org [Part 1]

Hello friend, this time I will teach you, how to register or get a free domain from EU.org, EU.org is a free domain provider, which has been established since 1996, The process of getting a domain from EU.org is a bit complicated, see how to do it well all right bro.

About EU ORG

EU.org is one of the very few free domain providers that still survives, complicated registration is something that prevents nosy hands from approaching the EU.org domain, so this free domain still survives with a good reputation up to now, just for you to know, Previous free domains that have been uprooted, are the work of its users who make the domain's reputation bad, so they also close the service.

The Advantages of Free Domains EU.org

1. Can be installed on Cloudflare
As we know, cloudflare does not accept subdomains, to be associated with their services, oh yes if you don't know the EU.org domain is more suitable to say Subdomain, because it is not official from .org derivatives, there are many benefits that we can, if the domain we have can be linked to cloudflare, including DNS, SSL and Free CDN.

2. Can be installed on Blogger
Blogger also actually does not accept subdomains, subdomains whose primary domain is not ours, for example subdomains from FREEDNS.AFRAID.ORG, subdomains from there cannot be installed on Blogger, because bloggers ask for verification of the main domain, not the subdomains that we have / enter.

3. Can be paired with Google Adsense
Having a good reputation, the free domain EU.org can be accepted by Google Adsense, for example this blog, it only takes 3 days, the Adsense is already in Approve, the EU.org domain is actually intended for organizations that are not looking for profit, but the EU. org still provides leeway to seek profits from their free domains in small scale, but for large scale, for example to create an Online Shop, the EU.org prohibits it.

4. Durable
Unlike the domain of Freenom which is very short-lived, the domain of EU.org is long-lived, if it is not used for illegal things, this domain will not get takedown by EU.org, especially if it is posted on Blogger, be a blog and your domain is old eternal.

EU.org Free Domain Requirements

To get a free domain EU.org, my friend must have a DNS Hosting aka DNS Manager first, this is a condition that many people do not understand and find it troublesome, so they cannot get a free domain from EU.org.

For the DNS manager, you should be able to install a domain without first setting Nameservers, DNS.HE.NET DNS Manager can't do that, so what I recommend is Hostry, besides providing CDN, Hostry also has a free DNS Manager service, follow the steps below, to enter the domain into Hostry.

1. Please register first eu.org account here ; nic.eu.org and fill in the required data
After you have created an account, please check your email there will be an eu.org account activation link and please click for validation

Next Steps Log in with the account that you created for the username check in the email obtained from eu.org (sent with the activation link). Click Create A New Domain.

Look at the picture for the next step

Name Servers :
  • ns1.hostry.com
  • ns2.hostry.com
  • ns3.hostry.com
  • ns4.hostry.com
Check for correctness of: Server Names
After that click the submit button and wait within 1x24 hours, your domain is under review. if the domain is approved then eu.org will send a notification via email like the example below:

Tutorial Part 2: Tutorial Install the eu.org Domain to Blogspot
Berbagi tips tentang dunia Blogger
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